Masters of Health Magazine December 2021 | Page 108

We used to be a self-actualizing country – based on of Maslow's hierarchy of needs – we were at the top of our evolution.  Now we have been thrown down to the primary levels – the need for safety, housing, food, breathing.... all in one generation.   That is very uprooting/disheartening to the people.  I see many people letting go of any HOPE for a better world but there is HOPE from the inside, out.  They can’t take that away. 


December 19-25

Influences of Energy and Cellular Mechanisms

As the year comes into renewal for does body and energy building via the Krebs or Energy cycle (ATP and ADP)

Fluid circulation is currently stressed as Transthyretin comes into play this week.  A covid watch is evident as iron, quercetin and Bioflavonoids (immune support) come into play. From a BioAcoustic perspective, Bioflavonoids are from the beginning pathway of life and act as an analogue to biochemicals that appear as a signal of the end of life.  Putrescine - and Cadaverine- (the chemical produced by the body at the time death)

Muscles in stress this week:  Semimembranosus, (Thigh) Quadratus lumborum, psoas, pterygoid, wrist flexor carpi radialis, and palmaris

Dec 26- January 1


Potassium is the most important frequency correlation that will be active for the next week.  Potassium is an important electrolyte and mineral that helps maintain the fluid and acid/alkaline balances for the body.  Potassium supports muscle strength, heart rhythm, cell communication and digestion.  Symptoms of low potassium can include scalloped edges on the tongue against the teeth, abdominal weakness, muscle aches and cramps, a feeling of weakness in the ankles is often present. 

An irregular heartbeat and edema can be signs of potassium imbalance.  For people using our nanoVoice program to evaluate potassium levels, check the balance between D# and A.  If you suspect a potassium issue, check with your wellness provider, or have your blood pressure monitored.


An energy cycle component (succinyl CoA) and ACTH (an adrenal hormone) are both in stress over the next few days.  Issues with either of these biochemicals can cause low energy and low motivation.  The immune system may need more support – you might want to check on vitamin C levels.


Phosphatidylcholine, a great brain and energy support, is in stress, you may find that you are more alert is you are left brained, or you may find yourself struggling to "find your words" if you are right brained (meaning you may need more choline which can be purchased at your local health food store).


Manganese, a mineral constituent of insulin, is in stress for the next four days.  A combination of insulin and high blood pressure issues may be reason to watch for blood clots - some of the present literature suggests that you add niacin (note of B) to your diet if clotting factors are at issue.


It is a great time to be pregnant because folic acid – a major fetus supportive nutrient – is active until the end of next week. B5 associated with fibromyalgia and tremors will be in stress until the 10th.


We are not finished with shoulder stress, but it may be moving toward the back of the shoulder as opposed to the top as has been stressed for the last few weeks.


For those of you who suffer from temporal migraines, you may need to be more careful with monitoring those triggers that cause your migraines.