Masters of Health Magazine December 2021 | Page 100

As for the current situation in Australia, Wilyman said:

“Totalitarianism has definitely come into play over here in Australia. And I don’t know whether it’s because we’re some kind of litmus test for the rest of the world in bringing in the new agenda. I do know that this whole issue of the vaccines and the coercive programs that Australia’s put into place is all based on corruption. And so the only way to implement it is through some kind of fascist regime. And that’s why freedom of speech disappeared.”

According to Wilyman, the vaccine passport is what Australian leadership ultimately wants put in place “to link that to a digital financial system and the digital identity.”

She discussed the implementation of Australia’s coercive vaccination campaign, where people are removed from their jobs if they refuse the injection:

“The injection is having huge adverse events. As you know, the myocarditis, the pericarditis, the people dying suddenly in their sleep, the Bell’s palsy that’s happening everywhere. And yet they’ve attempted to remove people from their jobs, which they’re doing, and literally terrorizing the public … Families are divorcing. They’re arguing.”

Wilyman said people are breaking down, and suicide attempts have “gone through the roof.”

She said the restrictions are in place, yet, “here in Western Australia, there is no disease in the community whatsoever.”

The reason some people don’t speak up, Wilyman said, is that, “the public doesn’t have a voice in the government,” and because they know the government has no legal obligation to prove vaccines are safe.

Wilyman said her government is not listening to the citizens because “they reversed the precautionary principle on any drug called a vaccine,” which puts the proof of harm on the shoulders of the Australian people.

But she said instead of acknowledging vaccine injury, the government is now using genetic predisposition as the reason why people are getting sick after getting the injection.

“So that’s how evil the agenda is … and I never thought something so blatant could be implemented and that the public would be terrorized by these politicians the way we’re being terrorized.”

Kennedy commented on the videos he’s seen of police brutality on the citizens of Australia.

He said:

“And we’re all watching these really horrifying videos. The police kicking down doors. In one case they’re dragging a pregnant woman because she tweeted that there was a demonstration. That kind of speech is now illegal speech in Australia.”

Wilyman agreed the police brutality has been alarming. She broke down the differences in police response and lockdowns based on the state, such as heavy-handed responses and fines in Victoria to complete discrimation against the unvaccinated in Sydney.

She said:

“We have heard premiers state that the quarantine camps are being built, and there are at least four or five being built for the unvaccinated. And so that’s the terror that Australians are feeling at the moment. We can’t leave our country and this vaccine passport and the digital identity is already being passed through the Parliament. And we don’t have a voice anymore in our Parliament. It really does feel like a police state.”

Kennedy wondered what Wilyman thought of the coverage of the pandemic in the media, as Australia has been “very radical about the censorship of vaccines.” He asked Wilyman how Rupert Murdoch’s conflict of interest with vaccine companies affects media coverage.