Masters of Health Magazine December 2020 | Page 72

we find that this value is equal to 206.2648062 geodetic feet, which is harmonically equal to the length of the Earth's radius in seconds of arc (relative to the Earth's surface) 206264.8062.

This also leads us to the following associations: (206.2648062 x 2) = 412.5296124.

This number squared: = 170180.68 which is the theoretical harmonic of mass at the Earth's surface.

The four rows of monks standing behind the instruments in a quarter circle added to the production of sound by their loud chanting and must be taken in to account in regards to the geometric pattern. If we assume that they were standing approximately two feet apart, we can add a calculated value of 8.08865 geodetic feet to the radius of the complete group. This gives a maximum radius of: 214.3534583 geodetic feet.

The circumference of a complete circle with this radius would be: 1346.822499 geodetic feet. Which is a half harmonic of:2693.645 (unified field) The distance from the stone block to a calculated point within the cliff face and the height of the ledge on the cliff face from ground level is given as 250metres. If we can now imagine that the raised stone blocks pass through a quarter arc of a circle during their flight from ground level to the hole in the cliff face, then the pivot point of the radius would be coincident with this position. See diagram. The theoretical radius was found to be: 249.8767262 meters which very closely approximates the estimate. This converts to: 809.016999 geodetic feet. The diameter of the full circle would therefore be: 1618.034 geodetic feet.

A circle with this diameter has a circumference of 5083.203728 units, which can be divided into three even lengths of 1694.4. It therefore appears that the levitated blocks, once resonated to a certain frequency, would tend to carry out a flight path that is coincident to one third of a circle. The spatial distance was equivalent to the mass harmonic at the center of a light field, 1694443.

The instruments used by the group, in theory, would also have been tuned to produce harmonic wave forms associated with the unified fields. The given measurements are in rounded off parts of a meter but in practice some slight variations from these measurements would be expected in order to create the appropriate resonating cavities within the instruments. The geometric arrangement and the number of instruments in the group would also be a most important factor.

If the given measurement for each type of drum is modified fractionally and converted to its geometric equivalent an interesting value for the cubic capacity is evident.

The large drums:

1.517201563 meters long, 1.000721361 meters wide

= 58.94627524 geodetic inches long, 38.88 geodetic inches wide.

= 69984 cubic geodetic inches capacity

= 40.5 cubic geodetic feet capacity.

Therefore the cubic capacity for eight drums:

= 324 cubic geodetic feet.

This harmonic value is built into the world grid and is equal to half the harmonic 648.

The medium sized drums:

1.000721361 meters long, 0.695189635 meters wide

= 38.88 geodetic inches long, 27.00948944 geodetic inches wide

= 22276.59899 cubic geodetic inches capacity

= 12.89155034 cubic geodetic feet capacity.

Therefore the cubic capacity for four drums:

= 51.56620136 cubic geodetic feet.

14.97414932 centimeters

= 5.895334377 inches

–5.817764187 geodetic inches = 0.484813682 geodetic feet.

As the dish–shape was focused upwards towards the stone block to be levitated it would be expected that some type of reaction would take place which had an effect on the mass. The geometric shape of the cavity does seem to be engineered in such a way that the projected frequency vortex causes a reciprocal reaction to the mass harmonic of each block.