Masters of Health Magazine December 2019 | Page 118

Nature is guided by specific Natural Laws and has evolved over millions of years to perfect its eco systems for reproduction, survival, and adaptation. For man, woman, or any corporate entity to think that they know better and can control, improve, or change Nature for its/their own gain, (e.g. GMOs, geo-engineering) reveals the height of ignorance. Or worse, criminality for the generations of harm produced. In Nature, every little thing makes a big difference.

Natural Law, (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is law that is held to exist independently of the positive law of a given political order, society, or nation-state.

It is determined by Nature. The law of Nature is implied to be objective and universal. It has been around since the beginning of time and governs the the vast harmonics of the whole Universe to the smallest frequency of a cell. The concept of Natural Law was documented in ancient Greek philosophy, including Aristotle, and was referred to in Roman philosophy by Cicero. Modern Natural Law theories were greatly developed in the Age of Enlightenment (Europe’s 18th century of Philosophy), combining inspiration from Roman law with philosophies like contract theory. Cicero influenced the discussion of natural law for many centuries to come up through the era of the American Revolution.

Throughout history, Natural Law has been exploited, hijacked, distorted, and/or manipulated by just about every culture, religion, and government to seize control of others for power and gain. Because of this, people everywhere often feel helpless, stressed, and overwhelmed because they are in disharmony with Nature and losing control of their lives. Governments everywhere no longer govern for the people, by the people. Nor, are they accountable to the people. They have invaded and dictate every aspect of our lives with an agenda that benefits themselves their special interests. The pied piper of greed and fear has led the global masses down a path to the pathetic state we are in today; and our health, environment, and liberties have severely suffered in the process. An interesting article on this topic is:

However, we still have are the ability to think and our economic power. So, we need to make good use of them in every way possible.

To restore harmony, we can no longer ignore the causes of the disharmony. In addition to thinking for ourselves (meditation enhances this), and using our economic power, there are several other things we can do to help restore and maintain harmony in the world around us. One doesn’t have to be an expert to determine if something is in harmony with Nature or creating disharmony. But, in order to get back to Nature and protect our children and future generations, we must address the political factor and its flaws because they now control so much of our lives.

Below are some tips:

1.The first place to start is within yourself. Are you properly nourishing yourself and your children with the basics of life that are in harmony with Nature, or do addictions and bad habits dictate your life? Observe what you are being exposed to with TV, movies, music, friends, hobbies, at work, and lifestyle. How often do you connect with Nature? When the human body is being physically, mentally, and spiritually well nourished in harmony with Nature, it is healthy, beautiful, strong, mentally clear, happy, and productive. Physical and mental illnesses and birth defects are nonexistent; and thus, there is no need to medicate. Off spring produced are also healthy, beautiful, strong, mentally balanced, happy, and productive. If you or your children have a health/mental problem, it is because something you are doing or were exposed to was/is not in harmony with Nature.

2.Is your home interior and exterior environment in harmony with Nature? (e.g. cleanliness, air, lighting, sound/noise, building and furniture materials, design, Feng Shui, clutter, EMF exposure, etc.). If not, identify the problem areas and how to best correct them. There are many good online sites or books on this topic that can be obtained from your local library. Always work with Nature.