Masters of Health Magazine December 2019 | Page 108

MoH: So who does it affect and how to sort it out according to you?

Misha and Cécile: Well, it can affect anyone really; the people we work with and attract are the proof of that.

Most of them are successful, affluent, and look like they have it all from the outside, yet deep down they are struggling and restless.

When you have an exceptional life or career, you feel like you should be grateful and then it adds another layer of guilt to the fact that you’re not able to feel fulfilled.

Stagnation in life is only a symptom though of something much deeper.

Some try to address it by changing their circumstances around, by changing job, moving or separating... that only brings temporary relief though.

Have you ever known that person who leaves a relationship that was unhealthy only to jump into another similar unhealthy one? This is because they are trying to fix the outside rather than the inside.

We believe that we are at the cause of our circumstances, and not the victims of them. It doesn’t mean in any way that we need to blame ourselves, it only means that we can chose to take responsibility and make changes within to change our life. This is great news because that means we have the power to do so.

From our nearly two decades studying and working in this field we’ve come to see that the true reason behind feeling unfulfilled and stagnant comes from being out of alignment with the Soul.

That eventually leads to what can be called an existential crisis, a quantum shift, a mid life crisis... that stuck feeling that can go on for years.

Some of us are very connected to our Soul but most of us aren’t even aware of it in our daily life.

The Soul speaks to us in whispers; it uses the language of intuition and feelings. When we are aligned to it, its language is joy, when we aren’t following its purpose it will nag us and get us into the most dramatic situations until we listen.

You see, there is this ego/Soul battle going on within: the ego wants to chill by the pool with a margarita and millions of dollars in the bank while the Soul wants us to be who we truly came here to be: amazing divine beings who share our love and gifts with the world and live from our hearts.

Our true Soul’s desire is always for the greatest good and always involves evolution.

The ego is paralyzed by the fear of change and wants us to stay put and keep playing small. It thrives on fear, worry, blame, guilt and shame.

To address it, we need to make a radical internal shift first.

MoH: Whom do you mainly help?

Misha and Cécile: We mainly attract those in the top one percent who are unconventional, open minded and committed to change. Some are what you would call world changers.

Most have already done years of therapy, tried self help books, meditation, medication... many have even done ayahuasca and other plant medicine, with only temporary or no success.

MoH: So talking about entheogenics, you two used to lead group workshops 15 years ago using entheogenic plants , what has taken you away from these?

We are not really “away” from them as such. They have been amazing allies and teachers and continue to inspire us.