Masters of Health Magazine April 2022 | Page 69


Sulfur is another essential mineral for a healthy head of hair and all life.  It is the fifth most abundant mineral on the Earth and among the first nutrients used by ancient life forms.  Sulfur is present in all polypeptidesproteins, and enzymes that contain the amino acids cysteinemethionine, and taurine, plus vitamins biotin and thiamine/B1. Sulfate-reducing bacteria are among the oldest micro-organisms that go back 3.5 billion years.

The high content of S-S bonds ( disulfides) with cysteine and sulfur contributes to the strength of hair.  Many cofactors also contain sulfur, including glutathionethioredoxin, and iron-sulfur proteins.  Sulfur is one of the core elements needed for biochemical functioning and creating and maintaining a healthy head of hair.  It is vital for the production of insulin, keratin, and collagen.  Enjoy the benefits of sulfur-containing foods: garlic, onions, scallions, egg yolks, figs, broccoli/broccolini, sauerkraut, cabbage, or other cruciferous vegetables, kale, and other leafy greens. 


One of the causes of mineral deficiencies is RoundUp and other glyphosate products. These toxic, cancer-causing chemicals deplete minerals in the soil and interfere with the body’s microbiome and uptake of nutrients.  To learn more, read Toxic Legacy and other publications by Stephanie Seneff, PhD, and What’s Making Our Children Sick?, by Dr. Michelle Perro, MD.


Good circulation brings nutrient-rich blood to the hair follicles. Massage your neck, ears, and scalp daily. With your head down, massage the arteries from your neck into your head around the ears towards the head. When brushing your hair, use a quality firm natural bristle brush. Never use nylon or synthetic bristles on your hair. Acupuncture, a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), also helps promote circulation and chi/qi to the hair on your head. Find a well-trained acupuncturist for treatments.


The latest trendy male hairstyles shave off the hair on the sides of a man’s head, which is not flattering. This creates a distorted, sexless image of the face, ears, and head, whereby they look like an asparagus, or worse. Young boys are also being experimented on in this assault on masculinity, humanity, intuition, and connection to the higher source. And, it is doing a lot of harm! Parents, what are you doing to your children? Look at the expressions on their faces.

Young boys get very upset after having one of these ugly, trendy haircuts. They become depressed, disoriented, and exhibit anti-social behavior. An assault on a child’s intuition and spirit is child abuse.

Don’t become a victim or allow your children to be a part of the current social engineering of men and young boys! Head hair can be well-groomed and kept clean without having to be shaved off at the sides or made to look like an asparagus. Don’t let the hairdresser, barber, or peer pressure make a fool of you!

Look in the mirror and use your God-given aesthetic brain.  When it comes to the hair on your head, it is far better and sexier to look handsome and be intuitive than trendy. 

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