Masters of Health Magazine April 2020 | Page 86

So, the next question is, "How do we tune-up, or boost, our immunes systems so that we can live without the fear and panic that we are observing around the world today?"

I want to give you several ideas that Dr. Shiva suggested in his presentation.

Several vitamins are important for maintaining your immune system. I like to call it the CAD protocol. This stands for vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin D. Along with these vitamins is a recommendation to avoid processed sugar.

If you want something sweet, eat some fresh fruit, especially fruit that has these vitamins in them naturally. The vitamins can be taken in by paying attention to the food you eat, which can be difficult, or the adequate amounts can be taken as good quality natural supplements. My online store has great high-quality supplements available for mail orders.

I would also suggest that you find ways to minimize all forms of toxins that are trying to impact our lives every day. Water is so vital to our whole-body functioning so I would recommend finding a good source for the water you drink that is free of pollutants, medications, fluoride, and other chemicals.

You will probably find that you will need to filter your water and possibly structure it. I wrote an article a while back about Dr. Emoto's work with freezing water samples and discovering that the 528 Hz tone played through the water restored it to its proper molecular structure.

May I suggest that you play one of my 528 Hz harp music CDs for this restructuring: along with the side effect of calming and peace.

That leads me to another thought about what we know about stress and how it hampers our immune system function. In an article from Science Direct, there was a direct link found between physiological and psychiatric stress and immunosuppression.

Similarly, it would be good to find ways to control the quality of the air you breathe – may be using an air filter in the home. Also find good sources of food that you eat – preferably food that you grow yourself – certainly organically grown foods.

Maybe even think about the Electro-Magnetic Frequencies you are exposing yourself to such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, electronics, computers and others. Find ways to eliminate or at least limit the time you are exposed to these EMFs. We turn our Wi-Fi and phones off at night when we are not using them.

Lady Carla Davis has written a great article in this issue of Masters of Health Magazine that lists many ways you can protect and boost your immune system and I suggest you read it as she has been very thorough in her recommendations.

In closing, I would like to encourage you to approach this whole Corona Virus, or COVID-19 pandemic, as the World Health Organization is calling it, from a positive approach rather than a negative one. Instead of giving in to fear and panic, arm yourself with good knowledge and plan of actions so that you are prepared to weather this storm in health and wellness.

I am not saying to not follow the recommendations for reducing exposure. But I am saying that we don't need to be fearful of unplanned contact if our immune systems are operating as designed.

As our friend Spock from Star Trek would say, "Live Long and Prosper!"