Masters of Health Magazine April 2020 | Página 31

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition

In Harmony with Nature

For several months now we have all experienced an unprecedented media blitz on a global scale 24/7, creating the corona virus (CV)/COVID 19 pandemic. Undoubtedly, this has instilled fear, panic buying, sudden loss of jobs and incomes, and a massive plunge of many businesses and economies. Numerous reports indicate that CV tests are unreliable with many false positives. Plus, many people don’t realize that the CV is also found in the common cold; and that most people who died had other serious underlying medical conditions.

According to the evidence (e.g. patents, Wall St. investments, conflicts of interest, Event 201 pandemic exercise, the billions of $ in profits involved in vaccines), COVID 19 appears to have been created in a laboratory, (i.e. a GM virus or bioweapon). Hence, something very sinister is unfolding that is already severely restricting our freedom. A pandemic is the perfect weapon for tyranny. The big question is WHEN will government leaders close down ALL those dangerous labs that produce, experiment with, and use biological weapons?

With or without risk of a viral attack, everyone should practice good hygiene and teach their children to wash their hands, cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing, and not touch everything in public places. AVOID crowds at this time.

How To Prevent Or Alleviate Viral Attacks