Masters in Development Studies 2018-2019 Brochure nieuw ontwerp 2018 web | Page 23
My IOB experience helped me work in
a multidisciplinary environment with
people from various backgrounds and
profiles. This is particularly crucial for my
current job where I have to interact daily
with people from around the world.
Adamon Ndungu Mukasa
GOV 2010-2011| DR Congo
Consultant in the Development Research
Department of the African
Development Bank
(Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
My IOB experience helped
me realize a lot of
things in life. Actually,
it changed my life! I
came back as a new
person. From all the
wonderful experiences
in the classroom to the
amazing people I met
along the way. It allowed me to
discover more about the world around me, but
more importantly, myself. It also opened up
an entire range of professional opportunities
to me due to the skills and experiences I
gained at IOB. It has been eight years since
I was a student at IOB, but not a single day
goes by where its impact is not felt in my life.
Christine Selda
GLOB 2007-2008 | The Philippines
Results Management Analyst at Asian
Development Bank
The most significant “impact” of IOB’s “treatment” in my life
has been the great friendships that developed from it. I am
privileged in that I met the most talented, kind,
most interesting people from all over the world
during my stay at IOB and I have been lucky
enough to become friends and partners
with some of them. I learned a lot from
different cultures, and that has been
incredibly helpful in making me a better
professional and a more open minded person.
I can say without a doubt that what I
learned at IOB was key in giving me an edge to
get gigs as evaluator and for my current job. -I had to take
a technical test as part of the selection process and I have
no doubt that I did well because of what I had learnt.
Mateo Porciúncula
DEM 2014-15 | Uruguay
Senior Design Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at the
International Center for Transitional Justice (New York,
iob · 23