Massino Vignelli
Vignelli was born in milan en 1931. In 1966, he traslated to New York, where he founded Unimark
This company managed to become one of the biggest companies of design in the world, and the
first one to focus in the creation of identity of corporations. In his Unimark’s fase, one of his big-
gest and most memorable jobs was when he traced the New York Metro.
As the blueprints of the subway, as the signage of their tunels where designed by Vignelli, with
the Helvetica modernist following them.
In 1971 Massino and his wife Lella cofunded Vignelli Associates. There he
continued doing his work for the legendary, American Brands like, Bloom-
mindale’s, Amrican Airlines; United Colours of Benetton
Vignelli has participated, in the Stock Exchange of visions on the year 2007, at
tha same time he published his book, Vignelli From a to Z; showing of his basis of
the “good design”. His designs also have shown a minimalist aesthetic, and also a
short genre of typographies, he considered perfect in their categories, which are:
Akzidenz-Grotesk, Bodoni, Helvetica, Garamond No. 3 and Century Expanded.