Lady with the purple hair and a leopard pattern
suit comes down from the glowing cotton candy
skies straight to the bench in a local church for
the Sunday morning mass. She looks like the ce-
lestial style icon. Hallelujah for the over-60-year
old fashion goddesses! While getting ready for a
casual journey to the flea market or the clinic, it is
crucial to pin in the “Nipple” pin to the lapel. This
way, coming to the youth’s purview and under the
hashtag #SupermarketLadies is almost guaranteed!
“Pretty Ugly” – a trio of girls, that joined together in
spite of the feminist ideas, a distinctive outlook on
the standards of fashion, and unique experiments
that were meant to personalize clothes for indi-
viduals, not vice versa. #SupermarketLadies – one
of the many “Pretty Ugly” projects – it’s a move-
ment on Instagram that demonstrates the contro-
versial everyday outfits of the stylish old ladies.
We, inspired by the mature fashion divas, found
the archives of seniors in Kaunas streets.