MASH Magazine Issue 2 | Page 6

The Technician Has Eyes Of Deepest Blue Contents The technician has eyes of deepest blue. EDITOR’S NOTE IN 500 WORDS Writer’s World on the 3 I notice them as she leans over me. Feel her brush against my cheek, the crimson flush rising on the surface of my skin. Towards a radio blaring in some corner of the room. Fervent voices raised in argument. “Just a tiny prick, okay?” she says. “In a healthy democracy there would be space for all opinions to be considered.” I nod “Uh-huh” but I am already lost, remembering a deeper blue I saw once. And I nod. “You’ll see stars soon” she smiles. “Uh-huh. Uh-huh.” At least I think that’s what she says. “What a peculiar thing for a dentist to say”, the last thought I have. Even though I understand now, that those voices are so ti ny in the dark, are so easily lost amid the blue, where it is deepest. Because I fall then, into the blue. Spiralling down towards the centre of something. She leans towards me, and there is something there, some hint of something. Concern? And there are stars. “Mr Andrews? Hello there!” In the deep blue, as it turns to black, I catch sight of them as I spin in the centre of a pinwheel. “Cassiopeia” I say to her. She laughs “It’ll take a while for the anaesthetic to wear off.” Mythical names I have long forgotten, names I can never recall at will, suddenly known, all their strangeness lost. And if I could reach out towards her, if I could touch her, I would. Cassiopeia. Circinus. Pegasus. Andromeda. But she steps aside and seems to disintegrate into the white, white light of the room. Galaxies and constellations in a universe that is infinite. And I had not known it was possible to feel it. To feel the expansion into … well, into what exactly? Infinity? Which spins a little still, and makes my head throb. It spins. Or so it feels. Generating a force that pushes everything outwards into the blue. In the corner the radio plays on. A happy tune that dances towards the stars. And I float on with it. 13 4 14 6 15 8 16 9 17 The loneliness of the short story writer Why Mash Stories believes in feedback The Technician HasEyes Of Deepest Blue Mash Competition’s winning story The Missing Links by Toirdealbhach Lionáird First Runner Up Colonial Dentistry by Bryan Lawver 10 Second Runner Up The Cleansing by Dylan Gonzalez 11 Roots by Alyson Hilbourne 12 (Un)happy Things by Ellie Strong Then upwards into a dazzle of white, the colours splintering in a spectrum flash. Power by Ros Collins Planet eBook The Appointment by Susan Bianculli Siege by Sean Fagan The Dentist’s Chair by Michael E A Lyons She pulls me up into the light towards a garble of voices and chattering and sound. 6 The home of high-quality and free classic literature, Planet eBook offers a comprehensive list of classics that are free to download, read and share. Get to it! SourceBottle PR Happy Anniversary by Mike Billeter 18 The Perfect Surname by Nor’dzin Pamo 19 My Big Fat Mythical Greek Wedding by Bill Bibo Jr 20 INTEGRITY: Become the author of your life This story is written by one of the members of the MASH jury, Jennifer Harvey, for the second MASH competition as a sample story. The keywords for this competition were: Andromeda, democracy, dentist. “Mr Andrews? Mr Andrews?” “Uh-huh…. Uh-huh…” Web Would you like to be quoted as a source in the media? Then create an account with the SourceBottle website to have publicity opportunities emailed to you. SourceBottle connects expert sources with journalists for free. So how does it work? Simple. Subscribe to be a source, start receiving emails by experts in search of a story, and respond to them online. Good luck! Published by IMODERNA Publishing Limited, England. Designed by Liviu Iancu. All rights reserved by Mash Stories © March 2014. 7