MASH Magazine Issue 1 | Page 7

William Hertling – A Self-­Published Success By S.E. SEVER The singularity is that point in time when computerthan humans, and then continues to accelerate its intelligence, whether due to self-optimization or just the continuing increase in computational power. Avogadro Corp, won Forewords Review Science Fiction Book of the Year and the second, A.I. Apocalypse, was nominated for the These two books caused me to think deeply about the singularity, and in particular, to examine that moment of emergence. What would it be book of this trilogy, The Last Firewall, was endorsed by Harper Reed, the CTO for the Obama Campaign. they were confronted with a selfdriven AI, and how would they react? adventure is a highly inspiring one. And he’s also written a S.E.: Did you have writing a trilogy in mind from the beginning, or did the story unravel itself more and more as you wrote it? share his publishing experiences. It’s called Indie & Small Press Book Marketing. In this book, he successfully covers many aspects of publishing from design to media relations. William: I only expected to During this Q&A, we’re going to discuss two skills that publishers demand from their authors: coming up with ground-breaking stories, and self-promotion. Then, we’ll dive into evaluating the pros and cons of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing. And as experience goes, William Hertling is the person to whom to address these issues; he has his hands in both self-publishing and traditional publishing. After I had written the chance conversation with another author convinced me to keep writing. it to agents and publishers, I happened to attend Ignite, a Portland conference where the Hugo-award-winning author David D. Levine was speaking. Afterwards I went up to him and asked him if he had any advice for a new writer. He said “keep the pipeline full”, meaning that I should continue to write while I was submitting. This was an astonishing message because it was the last thing I’d imagined. I thought Avogadro Corp was going to be my only book. I had no intention of writing more. But the idea stuck with me, and even as I was putting Avogadro Corp during revisions, I started daydreaming about the plot for A.I. Apocalypse. S.E.: Hi, William. Let’s start from the beginning. How did you come up with the idea to write Avogadro Corp? William: I read two books back to back: Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity is Near about the technological singularity, and Charles what it would be like to live through the singularity. 7