Masdar Smart City and Robotics - GineersNow Engineering Magazine Masdar: The Future of Sustainable City in Abu Dhab | Page 53

A Robotic Arm that Acts Like an Elephant Trunk Biomimetics is a damn exciting field. Engineers in this field use nature as their inspiration for systems and designs to create awesome stuff. For example, they used the elephant’s trunk to create a cool robotic arm. At first glance, the thingamajig looks like a cross between a mechanical claw and iron snake with a good measure of tentacle horror thrown in. In fact, they are reminiscent of the sweet robotic arms used by the infamous Dr. Octopus, the Spiderman villain. Of course, they are calling it the Bionic Handling Assistant, the blandest name possible for the cool robot. But it’s cool anyway. As it stands, elephant trunks are possibly the coolest appendages in the Animal Kingdom. So, making a robotic arm based on that is a fantastic idea. This robotic arm was made by Festo, a German automation company. What is even more fantastic is that the arm acts and learns just like a baby’s arm. The researcher will guide the arm to perform certain actions. The robot will learn and memorizes the movements so as to repeat them whenever necessary. This will enable the robot to fulfill functions such as operating in tight quarters and helping people in the medical or the industrial sector. It can even be programmed to change a light bulb. Festo has also been responsible for the creation of the first robot kangaroo that actually moves like the real thing. Again, they have used biomimetics to mimic the leaping movements of the kangaroo precisely. The robot jumps and lands perfectly as a result. Now, that’s a kickass use of science. Photo by Festo JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics 53