Masdar Smart City and Robotics - GineersNow Engineering Magazine Masdar: The Future of Sustainable City in Abu Dhab | Page 51
This robots platform feature a lot of educational
robots that will ultimately keep the kids have fun
while learning. There’s the mini humanoid NAO,
the two-wheeled Qbo series, and the RobotsLAB
BOX. The RobotsLAB BOX has a tablet computer
containing 50 lesson plans and quizzes, which are
math and science at its core, as an aid to the flying
AR.Drone, stationary ArmBot, rolling Sphero and
mobile Mustached Rover.
“This helps teachers create the bridge between
the concrete world and the abstract world of
mathematical concepts,” says RobotsLAB CEO
Elad Inbar.
Photo by RobotsLAB
If the kids love to craft and program new robots and
want to share them with its other users, EZ-Robot
is the one for them. It is an open-source software
platform that works on personal computer and
mobile devices, and also a hardware platform.
It uses a graphical user interface that promotes
robot-making for the newbies.
Not only for the younger ones because of its
advanced quality, Linkbots are for those who like
to play with customizable machines on two main
modules. Such modules are connected wirelessly
with accelerometers, which can be controlled
one by the other through simply moving them.
The robots are designed with a program similar
to stop-motion animation, which is manipulation
of the robot using the hands instead of giving
instruction over a computer. It can go further
complex movements with the a software for
Photo by Linkbots
Photo by Robot Shop
JULY 2016
Future Cities & Robotics