Masdar Smart City and Robotics - GineersNow Engineering Magazine Masdar: The Future of Sustainable City in Abu Dhab | Page 43

3D-PRINTED PROSTHETIC ARM HAS FEATURES YOU DON’T SEE WITH THE OTHERS This design is created by a Konami developer and publisher of the Metal Gear Solid titles, who worked with a leading prosthesis artist Sophie De Oliviera Barata and a technical team. It is inspired by the protagonist Snake in the new PlayStation 4 game Metal Gear Solid V. The recipient of this first-of-its- kind prosthetic arm is James Young, a gamer who fell under a train which left him with a damaged left arm and a severed lower left leg. It happened May 18, 2012. James is happy to have been provided with the arm. He shared, “It gives me a hand – and not a device. It’s soft, but firm, so it’s really nice to shake!” We have seen artificial arms that enable limb mobility, but not with one with a laser light, a torch, a USB port, a watch, and a drone fixed on a panel outside of the shoulder. A product of 3D printing technology, the arm allows its recipient to pick up the tiniest objects through commands sent by the shoulder muscles. It communicates with the sensors and does its tasks like a real hand, only with the extra features. Scarlett Johansson Becomes A Doll Robot Hong Kong-based product and graphic designer Ricky Ma just created a female robot that is modelled after the Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson from scratch. The female robot prototype is named Mark 1 and is able to response from verbal commands. It could also make facial expressions. As an example, when the robot is told 'Mark 1 you are so beautiful', it will bow and smile while replying 'Hehe, thank you.' The success of Ricky Ma was all thanks to his persistence and ded