MASC Seniors Program Seniors Eng digital brochure 17-18 v2 | Page 12

Katherine grier Katherine has been telling stories and working with people of all ages for many years. She tells personal-experience stories, some passed down through her family, others shaped from her own and others’ lives. She also draws from a broad repertoire of traditional stories that touch our hearts and contain the distilled wonder, humour and wisdom of human experience. Lately she has been focussing on helping older adults tell their own stories. PeRFoRMANCeS T RAVeL THRougH LiSTeNiNg Katherine’s stories take listeners out of themselves and into different worlds: some far, some near, some past, some present. Personal-experience and/or traditional stories are shared, interspersed with relaxed discussion. oNe PeRFoRMANCe : 1 HouR $260 + HST wiTH e LeANoR C RowDeR “Katherine Grier tells stories that remind us of who we are.” Gena Shortt, Transition Coordinator, Harmer House Outreach SMILE: Songs and Stories to Brighten Your Day GROOVE: Songs and Stories for a Saturday Night oNe PeRFoRMANCe : 1 HouR $460 + HST woRKSHoP L iFe J ouRNeyS : T eLLiNg y ouR S ToRy Participants shape their life experiences into well-crafted stories to share with others. Involves learning what works and what doesn’t and helping one another refine material. Lots of laughter and connection! Three sessions or more (five or six are ideal) lead to storytelling performance or recording. Maximum: 10 participants. woRKSHoP : S e n i o r S 90 MiNuTeS $300 + HST For information on booking an artist or to access subsidies, please contact: Micheline Shoebridge (613) 725-9119 ext. 225 [email protected]