MASC Brochure MASC 18-19 English Brochure | Page 64

Denis Charette English/French GRADES : 5 - 12/ SEC V MAxIMuM : 30 STuDENTS HALF DAY : ONE 2 ½ HOuR SESSION $310 + HST FuLL DAY : TWO 2 ½ HOuR SESSIONS $510 + HST Learning sculpting techniques; communicating ideas through sculpture; understanding the rich diversity of Aboriginal culture. CuRRICuLuM LINKS 64 Visual Arts Materials: $2 + HST per student Sculpting with Soapstone Of Algonquian descent, Denis draws inspiration from his native culture. He works primarily from natural materials such as wood, stone, snow, sand, or antler. Students will be introduced to sculpture by carving on steatite, a material like soapstone. The workshop begins with a short visual presentation of the artist’s work, followed by an explanation of the technique. Students will then create a totem animal that they can wear as a necklace. Workshop