MASC Annual Reports English Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | Page 4

Who “ When our annual report for 2017 - 18 went to press we were looking to the future with hope for renewal and revitalization. That hope was realized in 2018 - 19 and as we move through our 30th year we know with all confidence that we are in the midst of a renaissance. We have moved past uncertainty with enormous pride and are excited about what the future holds. Our former board worked admirably to see us through a challenging time and we thank them for their hard work. This year we move forward with a new Board whose diverse skills and perspectives promise exciting new ideas and solid support for our wonderful staff. It was my pleasure, with much advice from our well-connected Co-Ed's, to seek out and encourage this dynamic group of people to join our Board. The enthusiasm and generosity with which they agreed was stunning. Watching them come together and gel as a team has been a singular joy. My only regret, as outgoing chair, is that I won't be around to participate as they build something ever more remarkable, but I am excited to watch and cheer them on. In the Spring of 2019 we began the process of renewal in earnest when we hired Jenny Mitchell of Chavender Consulting to undertake an almost year-long Strategic Planning Process. While our core values and commitments remain intact, she is helping us to examine what we do, strengthen our systems, extend our reach and ensure that the incredible opportunities we provide will be accessible to all. In addition to our School Program that has always been the backbone of MASC, and a source of great pride and satisfaction, we continue to grow our community programmes. In addition to our Seniors Program, Awesome Arts en folie brings restorative connections in neighbourhoods and between generations. Our leadership in this area makes us a powerful voice in recent initiatives wherein people are waking up to our long-held belief in the power of the arts to build stronger communities. Our many special events are flourishing and keeping pace with the changing landscape of our society. Young people continue to be inspired by their work with professional authors and illustrators at both the MASC Young Authors and Illustrators and Your Story Festivals. This year our MASC Arts Awards, which provide recognition and opportunities for promising young artists, were presented at a powerful and joyous event at the National Arts Centre. The Festival de Danse en milieu scolaire’s 4th edition was a grand success and is poised to be held in Toronto in 2020! All of the events noted above are made possible by a cadre of energetic and loyal volunteers and partners, many of whom have been with us throughout our thirty-year history. We thank them, not only for their hours of volunteer work, but for the evidence they provide that what we do is valuable. Our many partners allow us access to schools and the many communities we work with, and have become true partners, developing and investing in programs that they deeply believe will have a positive impact on those they work with. As we contemplate this thirty year milestone we are in a celebratory mood and a committee is planning a memorable gala in the fall of 2020. We want to share our work and our successes with the broader community and invite everyone to experience the powerful contributions that the Arts can make in all our lives. Stay tuned for more details! “ Jane Ellens Outgoing Chair, Board of Directors 3