marz magazine 72 pages | Page 5

national days for France and Canada occur in July as well .

• July is the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere on average . It is similar to January in the Southern Hemisphere .

• Sometimes the hot , long days of July are called the " dog days of summer ".

• It is sometimes called the Hay month because the grass dries out due to a lack of rain and can be made into hay .

• July ' s birthstone , the ruby , is often associated with contentment , love , passion , and integrity .

• Jessica simpsom was born in july and she is our cover girl .

July 12 , 1943 - During World War II , in the Battle of Kursk , the largest tank battle in history took place outside the small village of Prohorovka , Russia . About nine hundred Russian tanks attacked an equal number of German tanks fighting at close range . When Hitler ordered a cease-fire , 300 German tanks remained strewn over the battlefield .

July 12 , 1994 - Germany ' s Constitutional Court ended the ban on sending German troops to fight outside the country . The ban had been in effect