Marylandwhitetail Sept 2011 Marylandwhitetail Sept 2011 | Page 29


The MBS is just so much more then a Group of Bowhunters. It really is an entity that promotes the positive. It’s a complex system of many individuals who all contribute a small bit to a larger whole.

While my participation wavers from year to year, I'll always be MBS. It's a part of me. It helps move me along through life. My friends, my family.

The MBS to me means never being complacent. I truly feel the greatest thing a bowhunter can do is get involved with his bowhunting community.

Be helpful. Be there for each other. Fighting takes a lot of energy out of an individual. We can fight amongst ourselves over petty issues, or we can have an understanding that no one ever agrees on everything, and focus on the general good that sportsmen depend on.

The MBS has provided me with so much more then I could have ever thought and it could for you also.

Click this page to visit the MBS site and learn more.