IWith a little help from my friends over at Manchester University Press, the concept of romantic love is brought to light through a feminist perspective. Now, don't be scared by the F-word. Actually, you could probably use a little more F-word in your life. Think about it.
When is the last time you witnessed a relationship completely controlled by a woman?
Most likely, never. If you have, send her over to Martini for a one-on-one interview and cover photoshoot. On the other hand, when is the last time you've seen a relationship completely controlled by a man? Probably more than you even realize. "Relationships with men can be politically dangerous, a mechanism through which patriarchal culture was reproduced."
Women are force-fed fantasies of true love through movies, literature, TV shows, and public celeb gossip. It has become "common-sense that romance is a formulaic" and constructed concept, controlled by ego-seeking men and consumed by hopelessly romantic women.
by maggie maloney
are you drunk in love, or just drunk?
Martini has created a quick checklist based off of Shulamith Firestone's "The Dialectic of Sex". She outlines the 4 reasons why "romance is a cultural tool, corrupted by the unequal relationship between sexes." Check all that apply to see if your man controls you.
__ Do you divert most of your energy into pleasing your man?
__ Does your daily confidence rely on compliments from your man?
__ Are you economically dependent on your man and his income?
__ Do you plan on having kids together? If so, who will stay home with them?