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History of Martial Arts

The oldest visual record of a fight sequence dates back to the 40th century BC from Egypt . The subjects were two people in some form of struggle . The second historical visual art found dates to the beginning of the 30th century , where poems were found regarding fighting as a sport . This one was found in Mesopotamia . Certain drawings were also found from Vietnam , which depicted some method of combat involving stick , bow , spear and sword .
The Chinese martial arts started from the Xia Dynasty around 4000 years from now . Emperor Huangdi also known as the Yellow Emperor , had introduced the earliest fighting in China . Around 2700 BC , before Huangdi became an emperor , he had written treatises on medicine , astrology and martial arts . Chi You , one of Huangdi ' s greatest competitors had introduced Jiao Di , which soon followed the modern Chinese wrestling . The modern martial arts are a mix of the ancient Chinese and Indian martial arts .
At the time of the warring states in China i . e . 480-221 BC , the Chinese made significant development in the martial philosophy and strategy . Sun Tzu ' s ' Art of War ' is also a book released in that time . The art of Shaolinquan also originated because of the spread of Buddhism in the 5th Century AD .