Marshall & Sterling Insurance September 2016 | Page 4

September 2016 Keeping Mobile Electrical Safety Devices Safe From in the Hacking Workplace Hackers can gain access to your information through common vulnerabilities. Even a small amount of electricity in an outlet can lead to an electrocution. A monthly safety newsletter from Keeping Mobile Devices Safe From Hacking As smartphones and other mobile devices have advanced and added conveniences for users, they have also become more susceptible to cyber attacks. And, if you don’t take steps to protect the personal or work information on your devices, you could be exposed to considerable risks. A hacker can attack a smartphone or other mobile device without the owner’s knowledge and gain access to his or her messages, contacts, emails and even his or her location, based on GPS data. Additionally, individual cyber attacks are beginning to exponentially increase in frequency. Although a few years ago hackers mainly targeted retailers and health care organizations, they now see individuals as a key target. To protect the information on your devices, you need to know the main vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to their advantage: • Malicious apps: Many apps ask for more access to your device than is required. When you download an app, make sure to check how much access it has, and that the app has been made by a reputable developer. Provided by Marshall & Sterling Upstate, Inc. © 2016 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved. Additionally, always download an app from your device manufacturer’s official store. Apps downloaded from a website or mobile link are much more likely to contain malicious code. • Unsecured networks: Hackers can use public Wi-Fi and other unsecured networks to see all of your internet usage. Avoid using public networks when possible, and disconnect from a network immediately if your device prompts you with an insecure network notification. • Outdated operating systems (OSs): If your device is running an outdated OS, it isn’t receiving new security measures from the device manufacturer. Any mobile device that runs on an outdated OS will be exposed to more high-risk vulnerabilities as it becomes more outdated. Frequently check your device for updates, and install them as soon as possible. Hackers can use malicious apps, unsecured networks or a vulnerability in an outdated OS to access any of the information on a mobile device. Marshall & Sterling Cyber Center