Pia Gatsis

Mission to Mars - Mars One

Mars One’s overall mission is to establish a liveable human settlement on planet Mars.

Successful human settlement on Mars will become the next significant step for man kind,

as the Apollo Moon landings once were. Not only is Mars One a milestone but also

stepping stone of the human race on its voyage into the universe. Human settlement on a

foreign planet will not only assist our understandings of the solar system and life itself,

but will also guide us towards our overall place and purpose in the universe.

But with every great step, there must be smaller steps that have to be taken. Everyday

life on Mars can’t take place without the fundamentals of human life - drinkable water,

healthy food, clean air and exercise. Behind each basic necessity comes a variety of

required goals that have to be met in order for successful day to day life.

The first necessity needed for successful day to day life on Mars is water consumption.

On Mars, water can be extracted from the soil. A rover will select a specific location for

the settlement mainly based on the water content in the soil. Once the spot is found, a

very well thought out and complicated process will take place to sterilize and condense

the water.

able to hold approximately 1500 litres of water and will be consumed primarily at night

and during periods of low power availability, for example during dust storms.

The second necessity is healthy food. When the astronauts first land, there will be

limited rations of food available for them to consume. Food brought from Earth will only