Mars I | Page 9

Impact of a Mars Expedition     The most common psychological reactions have to do with adjusting to being in space and the precautions involved. The most severe case is an issue in adjusting which is called asthenization (like neurasthenia) which is “defined as a weakness of the nervous system that produces fatigue, irritability and emotional lability, attention and concentration difficulties, restlessness, heightened perceptual sensitivities, palpitations and blood pressure instability, physical weakness, and sleep and appetite problems.” (111). Problems which correlate to mental illnesses (such as schizophrenia) which may be hereditary or those with the intensions of suicide or murder were never reported on a space mission. After a mission, astronauts may become more people oriented as they have spent many days in isolation and also may be an effect of the “Earth-out-of-view” phenomenon.