Issue Number 05 | January 2020
Former Pupil Leading Learning
We were lucky enough to have Lucy (@Coachlucy2) a personal trainer and
ex-pupil visit the school to deliver a presentation to our Sport and Recreation
class. Lucy was explaining how 4 years ago she was where they are now….and
now she is a qualified personal trainer, class instructor, CrossFit coach and
business woman. It was great to hear about her route into the profession, her
different experiences and qualifications she has gained along the way. Very
inspiring, and we know our students were very thankful for the visit and
Key Dates
Friday 24 th January: Prelims End
Wednesday 5 th February: Careers and Options Evening (New S3-S6)
Friday 7 th February: School Closed
Monday 10 th February: School Closed
Wednesday 12 th February: Pupils Return
Monday 17 th February: S2 Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 4 th March: Parent Council Meeting
Tuesday 10 th March: P7 Parent Welcome Evening