Issue Number 05 | January 2020
Student Digital Champions
– Market Research South Ayrshire Digital
Learning Strategy Session
Our Student Digital Champions
have some exciting events on the
horizon. We have been in contact
with Barassie Primary who have
Digital Leaders from P5-7 who are
keen to meet up with our senior
students. The Marr College group
hope to visit the primary school in
the coming months to deliver a
workshop to Barassie Primary Digital
Leaders so that they might share
their new skills with their classes and
teachers. Across South Ayrshire a Digital
Learning Strategy Group is being
established to provide strategic
direction to schools and ICT Services
on digital technology provision and
how it can enhance the learning
experience. A group of our senior
students were chosen to take part in
a feedback session aimed at
gaining insights from young people
across the authority about the use
of technology in the classroom.
Students took part in the event via
Skype and shared their thoughts
and views using Mentimeter. Their
feedback will contribute to shaping
the future of digital learning in South
Ayrshire. Well done to the students
involved: Lucy Watson (S5), Lewis
Donnan, Rosie Tudor and Callum
Inglis (S6).
The group also issued a survey to
staff to find out what types of
software and technology is already
in use in the school to help plan
future workshops. A meeting was
held this month to choose Digital
Champion badges meaning that
students involved can be easily
identified so that any students
looking for assistance or wanting to
find out more know who to ask. The
next staff and student workshop will
be on the use of Microsoft Teams.
representatives from all year groups.
For any students looking to join the
group please see Miss Wyllie
Simpson (Computing Science).