Marr College June Newsletter 2022 16 | Page 5

Anti-Bullying Policy Launch
Issue Number 16 | June 2022

Anti-Bullying Policy Launch

As part of Marr College ’ s focus on promoting good mental health amongst the young people , June has seen the launch of the school ’ s Anti-bullying policy . After consultation with parents , carers and pupils from all year groups on the bullying behaviours experienced , how they would feel comfortable reporting issues and what they felt would prevent bullying , it has been formalised in line with South Ayrshire Council ’ s policy guidelines and Respect Me recommendations for effective policy .
With a focus in both Personal Support and PSE classes on recognising the forms of bullying and how to speak out to a trusted person , Marr
College is trialling a new method of reporting bullying behaviour through a QR code found on posters around the school .
These posters are located in discreet , communal areas where young people who may not have the confidence to approach their Guidance teacher can scan the QR code and give details on an easy form . The Guidance team will follow up and resolve these concerns with the young person .
Along with the Say It Loud Charter , it is hoped that young people feel empowered and heard in the school community by accessing the support they need to enjoy learning and life .