Marr College December Newsletter 2022 18 | Page 31

Issue Number 18 | December 2022
Positive Noticing Day
Scottish National Antarctic Expedition The Captains and Mr Marshall were delighted to be asked to attend the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the launch of the Steam Yacht ‘ Scotia ’ from Troon as part of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition . Brief presentations from Dr David Munro and Dr Vanessa Collingridge told us of the crew ’ surveying , discovery of lands , charting of sea depths and climate observations . The plaque is now in place at the vestibule entrance to the Marina where it is visible to all .
Written by Isla McMaster , S1 On Wednesday the 16th of November " respectme . org " organized Positive Noticing Day as a part of Anti-Bullying week , which was celebrated all over Britain . Positive Noticing Day was to highlight how being positive to other people can make them feel good and boost their self-esteem . In Marr we had an assembly for S1 and S2 showing all the students what it was about and why we were doing it . We asked all the pupils to notice something positive about someone in their class and write that thought on a tag then give it to that person . This meant that everyone could have something positive to look at and keep . Some people loved them so much that they tied them to their bags and pencil cases . It was lovely seeing all the photos on social media .