Issue Number 18 | December 2022
The Future is Yours
Careers Support for Pupils Making Subject Choices
Written by Gemma Fraser , Careers Advisor
Skills Development Scotland ( SDS ) is the national career service and has careers advisers in every state secondary school in Scotland .
Pupils at Marr College are starting to think about the subjects they will choose to take their National Qualifications in next year . With some important decisions and deadlines coming up for pupils your school ’ s SDS careers adviser will work with pupils throughout their time at school to help pupils understand and explore all their options and build their career management skills .
You ’ ll find lots of helpful tools and information to help with option choices , on your career website ,
My World of Work . Registering for an account means your young person will be guided to the right personal content whatever stage they ’ re at .
Take some time to explore with them the About Me , Strengths , and Skills tools which match careers to their personality type . From there they can explore different jobs , the routes and the qualifications they may need to get in .
Careers Support for Pupils Making Subject Choices in S2
At option choice time , find out about the help and support available from Skills Development Scotland
Gemma Fraser , your Skills Development Scotland School Careers Adviser will be providing support to S2 pupils to help them think about their option choices . Every pupil will be taking some time out of a PSE lesson to speak with the Careers Adviser about their plans . This will run from November until February to ensure all pupils have the opportunity .
There ’ s also the opportunity for you – as a parent or carer – to join the conversation and discuss where their options might take them in the future . Get in touch with the school or email Gemma