Marr College December Newsletter 2021 13 | Page 8

Issue Number 13 | December 2021
Mental Health Update
Our S6 Mental Health ambassadors have been hard at work looking to improve the way in which Mental Health is promoted around the school
Wellbeing Drop-In
Our Mental Health leaders are available to talk to you about any worries / concerns every lunch time in Room 212 .
A group are currently working to improve the look and feel or our school safe space . If you have any ideas we would love to hear them !
P7 Transition
Our ambassadors will be virtually visiting P7 classes in the new term to discuss the supports available at Marr and how we can look after our own Mental Health .

S1 Reading Ambassadors

Our S1 Reading Ambassador group is now up and running and meets every fortnight to discuss all things to do with the promotion of reading . We have lots of plans in place for the New Year including an exciting staff ‘ book swap ’ event which we are hoping to run in conjunction with the amazing school Barista team .
This week we selected three winners of the ‘ Fireworks ’ inspired short story competition . Congratulations go to Harrison Mullan , Lana Burns and Mark Mackinnon for their fantastic short stories . You can follow the Reading Ambassador updates on twitter by using the hashtag # marrvelousreaders .