Marlborough Magazine May 19 | Page 17

17 It is also hoped it will provide a purpose-built area for workshops, courses and educa� onal projects for both young people and parents. “Things like with the cafe, maybe getti ng a barista and doing courses through the school holidays … that’s what we want, is people getti ng some experience and passing them out into the community where they can get jobs,” Jo says. It is also hoped the centre would provide a space for youth to gather and spend � me, providing a hub for rural youth and boarding school students when they’re home during school holidays. “What we are fi nding now, parti cularly as we get into relati onships with young people in the rural sector, is that we’d like to get into some transport so that young people can do their sport practi ce aft er school and then go to the centre and there will be a bus that takes them all home,” Jo says. “It’s about that awareness that our rural kids aren’t getti ng as easy access to things as the kids in Blenheim. And that’s uni students and boarding school kids too, when they are at home.” The trust has a youth worker, Maxine Sweeney, based in Seddon, and it is hoped that establishing the purpose-built hub in Blenheim will allow the development of a wider rural network, while also easing pressure on the trust’s youth workers, Jo says. “As ti me evolves we’d love to have some youth workers that could supply some support at Picton or Havelock.” Establishing the centre has been done with help from local businesses including the Blue Door, Floorpride and Cuddon Limited. The centre opening comes during a month o� en dedicated to an� -bullying ini� a� ves, namely Pink Shirt Day which this year marks 12 years since its incep� on. This year, it falls on Friday 17th May and businesses, schools and the community as a whole is encouraged to wear pink as a mark of solidarity. JOIN US ON FACEBOOK 25 TH MAY - FLYERS IN STORE A fun day to merge with spirit and boost your intuition using Cards and your psychic. 25 TH MAY - Established by two students in Canada as a stand against homophobic bullying in 2007, Pink Shirt Day is about working together to stop bullying by celebra� ng diversity and promo� ng posi� ve social rela� onships. FLYERS IN STORE Learn about the Energy surges flowing onto the Earth and impact the planet and all who dwell here. Your intuition and 6 senses are aligning with all you dream of. Explore your spiritual relationships and confirm your intuition and psychic awareness. The ini� a� ve spread to New Zealand in 2009, where the campaign grows every year, encouraging Kiwi’s to Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu - Speak Up, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora - Stand Together, and Stop Bullying. For more information on Workshops or to join our Earth Angel data base email Gabby [email protected] It’s about crea� ng a community where all people feel safe, valued and respected, regardless of age, sex, gender iden� ty, sexual orienta� on, ability or cultural background. EVERY THURSDAY 6.30PM TO 8PM BEGINNERS WELCOME “It’s about what the youth are wanti ng and just keeping them at the centre … It’s the centre for the young people,” Jo says. REMOVE THE ENERGY OF PREVIOUS OCCUPANTS OR SPIRIT ACTIVITY “We are not all things to all people but we can refer young people if they are needing support in health, sexual health, mental health and just general wellbeing; it will be a neutral space for supporti ng people.” Resources, including downloads and merchandise in support of Pink Shirt Day are available at REGISTERED MARRIAGE CELEBRANT CERTIFIED ANGEL INTUITIVE/HEALER REIKI MASTER Personal Readings, Crystal/Reiki Healing, Weekly Meditation, Healing for Children, House & Business Blessings, Spiritual Development Workshops. Distant Readings provided on CD. GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE Appointments available after normal business hours GIFT VOUCHERS • NEW STOCK REGULARLY 11 MAXWELL RD, BLENHEIM PHONE 579 1032 [email protected]