MARKtoe! MEI 2023 Uitgawe 104 | Page 75

Waypoint Stainless Steel Gas Firelighter • R399
Waypoint Stainless Steel Gas Firelighter • R399
Promotion price available from 24 May - 25 June 2023 at your nearest Agrimark .

Make sure you clean out the ash from previous fires , as a thick layer of ash will restrict the air supply and create more smoke . An inch is actually good , but never let it reach the bottom of the grate .


For the most efficient fire , use small strips of wood ( often sold as fire starters ) to get the fire going before adding bigger logs , and keep the flue open completely until the fire is roaring . Use anthracite nuggets to make the fireplace burn even hotter . These nuggets or nuts burn at a high heat for longer , so they are a great way to maximise your wood .

Finally , make sure you have right tools for the job . These could include a fire-retardant glove for handling the fireplace when hot , as well as a bellows , a fire poker and small fireplace broom and shovel for cleaning . Here ’ s to keeping the home fires burning this winter !

75 MARKtoe ! Mei 2023