cow is very strong and capable .” To novices , all Brahmans appear perfect . However , although all Brahmans are perfect , there are some more perfect than others ( apology to George Orwell ).
“ Maize and soya do extremely well here . All due to our high rainfall and heat units .”
And this is what the apex perfect specimen should look like :
“ The bull must have good masculinity in its head – it must look like a bull . Middle of the road , not too tall and not too short . Looking at it from behind , the bull must have that characteristic width which must go right through from the back to the front of the shoulders .
A deep body with good length . Good size testes are of utmost importance , of course . A nice clean sheath – not a long one that hangs in the grass and thorns . The bull must be good on its feet and able to walk – one that can climb mountains and walk in the desert .”
These chosen ones along with the lesser chosen ones mostly feed on natural grazing . That said , inferior pastures are planted with grazing to increase their carrying capacity . Producing that holy of the holies : free-range cattle .
Although Brahmans are tough , they are paradoxically not keen on cold weather .
“ Therefore farmers need to be streetwise and move them to protected areas like windbreaks , trees and bushes during extremely cold spells .”
4 .
4 . Firebreaks are burnt all over the Bergville area to protect pastures .
21 MARKtoe ! Augustus 2023