MarketingInstaffiliate 40s Women Edition review and giant bonus with +100 items | Page 11

You did not have to write and send one single email
� You did not have TO WORRY about anything !
With " Women In Their 40s " Edition , this is a dream come true . JP and his team do all the work and YOU collect the commissions on complete autopilot !
It sounds magical , and to some extent it is . However , there ' s a hell of technology supporting this easy process . And we ' ve invested close to $ 200k to build it from the ground up . ( research , developers , writers , graphics , copywriters , video graphists , marketers , funnel experts who ' ve worked in the past 18 months to bring this system to life )
And to be fully transparent :
This is not a piece of software . It ' s an entire portfolio working for you , operated on your behalf , and earning you commissions .
This is a complete Affiliate marketing game changer . You ' ve been used to send traffic to one affiliate product and hope for the best .
Not anymore with their proprietary Content & Conversion platform
By sharing ONE simple link , you ' re in fact :
� Promoting more than 50 pages of high value content
� Promoting more than 40 products on Clickbank
� Generating leads in 5 different related niches
� ( self defense , survivalist & prepper , Woordworking , Alternative Energy ...)
� Earning commissions on both physical products and digital products
� Providing a great experience to your visitors by giving them access to all the resources they need inside your entire portfolio
In a nutshell : You ' re giving away highly valuable content and you will earn lifetime commissions on whatever they buy inside your portfolio of 40 + income streams .