MarketingEasy Funnel Profits TRUTH review and EXCLUSIVE $25000 BONUS | Page 2
To internet marketers, the most valuable thing in the world isn’t land or gold or oil. It’s
Here’s why…
Information is the cornerstone of all wealth. It’s what keeps oil companies in business,
from knowing how to extract and process the oil to knowing when and where to sell it.
Information and know how is the most valuable commodity on the planet – and if you
learn how to harness that information there is a fortune waiting for you. People around
the world are constantly looking for new knowledge to improve their lives; they want to
be more beautiful, slimmer, richer, healthier, and happier.
And the best thing is you don’t need to be a billion-dollar oil and gas corporation to
harness the power of information. As long as you have the internet you can deliver
information to those who will pay handsomely for it. Once you have an internet
connection you are GOOD TO GO!
Here’s another secret. If you want to make the most of the information business…
Copy the secrets of the wealthy to make your own online fortune.
Why be like most people and toil away at your job, doomed to remain poor all your
lives? The truly smart entrepreneurs are out creating income producing assets.
Look to people like Bill Gates, who became the wealthiest man on the planet with the
software he developed, and J.K. Rowling, who turned her creative world of Harry Potter
into a ONE BILLION DOLLAR personal net worth. How do they stay wealthy or become
even richer?
Here’s the secret…
…once the wealthy have established their own income producing assets, their income
stream goes on autopilot. This provides them the luxury of choosing to relax and enjoy
wealth or creating another stream of income. But one thing is for certain – there is no
more relentless daily grind at a boring job where they work to make someone else
Truly exceptional people transform their income producing assets into different formats
to help create even more revenue streams.
For example, J.K. Rowling only wrote her Harry Potter books, but she has generated
two income streams: royalties from the books, and royalties from the movie franchise.
That is the exact model you can now follow in the information revolution. You can create
information products that will become your income producing assets.
There hasn’t ever been a better time to get into the information business. Experts
predict that internet sales will reach$414 BILLION by 2018.
If you play your cards right, then one day – probably sooner than you imagine – that
MAGIC MOMENT will occur and you can finally stop working to make someone else
rich and start living the life you always dreamed of, enjoying free time, newfound wealth,
and luxuries you had never been able to afford before.
I know what you are thinking right now…
…you haven’t got a clue how to create an information product that people will pay for?
Pierluigi Demaria has the ultimate method that you will need to know in order to make a
successful online business, and that is Information Marketing Business for
This is all you need to become a wealthy, successful information publisher!
Information Marketing Business is the number one resource for any entrepreneur