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100% Facebook Compliant - the software has been manually approved by FB and ties in directly with its API. You get accurate, automated results and your ads account will NEVER be at risk by using the software. Never rely on outdated or inaccurate numbers again, forget about waiting for slowloading FB ads reports, and SAVE your money by not paying outsourcers for data entry. With Social Optimizer, you’ll get an instant overview of your business ANYTIME you want. So you can grow faster and more predictably than ever before. How Does Social Optimizer Work? Integrate your Facebook ad account and set up a campaign (only need to setup once per Facebook campaign). Once integrated directly with your Facebook ad account, everything is pulled automatically and aggregated into our software for your convenience and your key metrics are automatically calculated in realtime, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You no longer need to log into numerous merchant accounts, eCom stores, CPA accounts or run 100's of custom ad reports to see how everything is performing. You can log in at any time of the day and see how your business is performing - in real time! 3 SIMPLE Steps To Maximizing Your ROI And Profits: STEP 1 Login to the cloud-based software... STEP 2