marketing | Page 2

Every time your visitors click on a link from anything you ' re marketing online , whether it ' s an article reviewing an affiliate product , a " No Thanks " button at the bottom of a sales page or just an internal back link for your blog ' s SEO , there is an opportunity for more clicks . And up until now , with the exception of a very few elite who really know what they ' re doing , this opportunity is missed . Every . Single . Time . Every time someone attempts to leave your website , there are at least two opportunities for more clicks . Every new page your visitors open is a new opportunity .
And all these opportunities have been blissfully ignored under the assumption that " there ' s nothing more I can do ." In the past , maximizing clicks meant implementing intrusive techniques like popovers , pop-unders , slide-in advertisements , littering your site with banners , interstitials , obnoxious video ads and plenty of other non-pleasant gimmicks that only ended up turning your visitors away from otherwise valuable content . It wasn ' t streamlined and it sure as hell wasn ' t user-friendly .
With Clixplit , all this changes today . From here on out , maximizing visitor clicks is smooth , covert and practically undetectable . Not to mention , it no longer scares your valued traffic away .
Clixplit is a first-of-its-kind WordPress Plugin that is designed to maximize visitor clicks by up to 300 % while on site . The way Clixplit does this is with a simple tweak to your hyperlinks . The core of Clixplit is an elegantly covert function .
This means that , while you get real , targeted eyeballs on your most valued URLs , affiliate links , articles and sites , most visitors will have no idea what ' s happening , or that anything is happening at all . This is extremely important when it comes to user experience and engagement .