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They had what is called an unfair advantage. If you ask around, you’ll find many people that will say that it is unethical, in opposition with the spirit of the sport, shameful, etc.. But they still won. When it comes to driving CONVERTING traffic to your offers, the competition can be so tough.. ..and if you bypass the other million marketers waiting in line, it will STILL cost you an arm and a leg. Meaning: even if you try your best and darnest, you are still NOT guaranteed to make a profit. If I offered you an unfair advantage, would you take it ? To be honest, this isn’t technically ‘unfair’, as you will still be playing by the rules BUT it certainly feels unfair to get red-hot targeted traffic for around a penny a click. Howard Lynch/Frank Liu has just come out with a new product called ‘Video Bundle Genius’, which will take you by the hand and show you exactly how you can setup your very own unfair advantage.. Introducing Video Bundle Genius: Video Bundle Genius is a tool allow you to drive dirt-cheap traffic everywhere you want. You can build your list, sell products that you own or as an affiliate. And you definitely gonna be successful on your first try since this traffic is very responsive and extremely targeted. Video Bundle Genius Review: