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And there is no better place than YouTube for real life reviews. And for E-commerce peeps, there’s a huge opportunity right now to kill it with YouTube. While 90% are fighting over scraps on Facebook ( it is not as easy as it used to be), the real buyers are on YouTube. And they are actually typing in buyer keywords. So all you gotta do is show up for these keywords. My friends Adam and Clive have 35 over the shoulder videos that show you how to do this from the ground up. It’s more than just optimizing a video. You MUST have a channel that is fully optimized and ready to go if you truly want to dominate your market. A channel built on earthquake proof foundations YouTube Channel Mastery is unlike any other YouTube training I’ve ever seen. With YouTube, it’s not all just SEO and Branding. You need the foundations in place to get your channel authority up and to take advantage of everything YouTube has to offer. Adam will show you EVERY single step of building a YouTube channel the ‘right’ way. Because YouTube gets more views than cable TV and it's by far the most economical way to spread your message, heck it’s FREE! With an optimized channel you can dominate ANY niche to:    Promote Affiliate Products, CPA Offers, Amazon Physical Products Create Optins & Leads for Yourself or Offline Clients Brand Your Business, Yourself or Monetize with Ad Revenue Set up your Channel the right way OR pay the price as YouTube roll their 'Authority ' Mindset across their platform - it's YOUR call! It does not get any easier and straightforward than this. Let’s hear what others have to say about YouTube Channel Mastery