Marketing Zon Boot Camp Review & GIANT Bonus | Page 2

You ' ll get to look over Tony ’ s shoulder as he create a brand new website , that could potentially be sold for 4 , 5 or even 6 figures within the next 12 months .
He pay more than $ 5,000 every single year to be part of the best private SEO communities online . This means he is always using techniques that work right now and will continue to work for years to come .
You ' ll see exactly what is required to rank in 2017 and no temporary ' loopholes ' that stop working as soon as people start using them .
How Does Zon Boot Camp Work ?
What You Will Learn Inside Zon Boot Camp :
You ' ll get to see everything including :
How to choose a profitable Amazon niche
� What to look for when choosing a domain name ( and what to avoid )
� How to create your website using WordPress ( no coding skills required )
How much content to add to the site How to rank the website to get lots of free traffic from Google Getting the BEST price when selling the website ... and lots more
There will be a new module delivered every week for 6 weeks . Each module will include videos and readable content showing you every single step in complete detail .
This means you can copy each step and build your own website as we progress through the 6 weeks . You ' ll learn the exact process I go through each time when creating these hugely profitable digital assets .
Nothing left out .