Marketing Your Property For All It's Worth Sept. 2013 | Page 18
8 Most Important Questions
to ask before selling your property (cont’d)
but ours is as little as 5 minutes – with a maximum of 30 minutes in extreme cases. We
have Immediate Response Systems that offer an instant response, 24 hours per day, 7 days
per week.
How will you work to attract co-op agents so they show my
property over other properties in the market?
What is your negotiation strategy and how can I count on you to
negotiate from a position of strength instead of wea ?\?????H]?HH?\?[H][???\??\??]?^Y\?Y?[??[??\?X\??]X?K]\?H[?XYB????[???]?^Y\??]\?H???[????H??\?HZ?H[?\???[??HL H??^Y\??\?B?[?Y?[???^HH??\?K\????[H\?H?X]?^H??][?H?^Y\????Y?[?\????\?H[?[[X][HHY?\??[\??X?K??H?X??HY?[??]]?H?Y]?Y??\?Y\??[Z[\??[?\??[??]?H[HH??[?]H?]?HH8?'?\??????'H][?\???\?K????\??Y??X][???]Y?H\??]H?[\N?]?\??YY??H?YH[?][?\??YY???H????\??\???H\?HH??ZY?[[?H?Y??X][?Y]?]?]?\????H?[?H