Bonus #4: Wordpress Delayed Widgets Plugin
Bonus #5: GET 4 Premium Wallpaper Site Wordpress themes
Pinterest Marketing Guide
Reddit Marketing Guide
Instagram Marketing Guide
Shopify Marketing Guide
Bonus #6: WP Left Behind
Using this plugin for dual launches brings you more sales. Use two platforms like Jvzoo
and WarriorPlus for your product launch and use this plugin to direct traffic to the right
pages and order buttons.
Bonus #7: WP IM Marketing Graphics
No more will you have to pay huge money to buy graphics for your marketing. This
plugin lets you instantly add marketing graphics to any WordPress page or post.
Bonus #8: WP Sales Robot
Can you double or even triple your income from the same traffic? Yes now you can.
This plugin will dramatically increase your sales conversions on any sales page created
using WordPress.
Bonus #9: WP Checkout Maximizer
A huge percentage of people add products to their carts but never checkout, its a big
problem in ecommernce and this plugin will help you to dramatically increase your sales
checkouts using its technology.
Bonus #10: WP Feedback Pro
Getting the right feedback from your customers can take your product or website to new
heights. This plugin lets you capture effectively the right Feedback from your customers
that will become the key your success!
Bonus #11: WP Review Me
People buy based on friendly recommendations, thats why its extremely important to
have reviews on your website. This plugin will increase your sales and commissions by
skyrocketing your conversions.