• Want to create stand-alone applications , components or libraries
• Want to customize the way their Office and other top-level applications work
SPECIAL BONUS TUTORIAL : ' Learning Recursion through JavaScript ' Once you ' ve mastered RECURSION , you can call yourself the CODE NINJA
Recursion occurs in the natural world too , and when it does we ' re always a little puzzled by it - like when 2 mirrors are reflecting each other , or when the TV shows the image of the TV , which shows the image of the TV , which shows ... you get the idea .
In the digital world , recursion is a powerful programming technique you can apply as a simple solution to the whole range of situations that would otherwise be difficult to solve . In a nutshell , the recursion occurs when the function calls itself , bringing you closer to the solution with each recursive call .
Unfortunately , of all the programming concepts recursion is perhaps the hardest to understand .
To assist you in mastering it fully , they have devised an adaptive tutoring system called ' Learning Recursion through JavaScript '. You learn at the pace best suited for you and the program ensures you receive the best quality instruction at all times .
... and when you master it , you ' ll wonder how you could live before without recursion .
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