Why Should You Get Vyper Viral Leaderboard Now?
There are several benefits that users can get by using Vyper Viral Leaderboard:
Make your contests mobile: This means Vyper is optimized the contents pages and
viral leaderboard features to work perfectly on all types of portable devices.
Tap into the best of word-of-mouth marketing: As marketers, we all known that
word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to market product but it is
not really cheap. Viral Leaderboard makes it easier to grow your email list and build
social sharing into your core marketing strategy.
You can save money from cost per acquisition (CPA): It is sound great? Because
every lead you acquire is incentivized to share for you, you will get more return for your
back. Generally, it is 15% traffic on average around a competition when using Viral
What’s more?
This products also helps you build brand loyalty via prizes and interaction. This means
you can interact with your customers, give them rewards and get profits. Brand that
interact directly with customers sees huge returns.
Here is some proofs that users have been getting results to show that Vyper Viral
Leaderboard is working:
Emails Collected: 2,229
Sales Generated: $14,000+
Facebook Reactions: 171% Increase
Web Traffic: 7.2% Increase
Emails: 8,178
Social Followers: 5,235
Clicks to Website: 1,314
App Downloads: 100+
Emails: 4,290+ in 15 days
YouTube Followers: 2,000% increase
Facebook Followers: 3,037