marketing The Lose Your Belly Diet review - The Lose Your Be | Page 4

Module 7 – Legal Pages
You will need a professional looking minisite in case you want your customers to take you seriously . The product ’ s owner employed one of the best designers to make this site look professional .
Module 8 – Full Set of Professionally Designed Graphics
You will obtain the full set of professionally designed graphics , including any CD / DVD covers , artwork necessary to sell the product , and a whole lot more . This will make the training more presentable , and much easier to sell . The creators will give you the image files in PSD format , so you will be able to edit them in your way , and make them all your own . Add any logos or images you want to any or all of them . You will also get PNG files as well , so you can upload them as is , you choose to do that instead .
Module 9 – 10 High Quality & Unique Articles
Getting articles of this type from a ghostwriter would cost $ 25 per article or more , but here you can have it for free .
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These articles are 100 % unique around the subject for multiple uses Use them in your auto responder series Re-word them for website content Use the articles to create scripts for The Lose Your Belly Diet
No matter how you plan to use the articles , you will have content you can be proud to call your own .
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Each article is at least 500 words in length Private label rights included
Module 10 – Stunning , Professionally-designed Banners
These banners are designed to help you get more clicks so you can instantly start with a media buying campaign , without having to create any banners on your own . Designed by a Professional Graphic Designer , they ' re stunning , professional-looking , and will assist you in generating traffic straight away .
Module 11 – Five ( 5 ) High Converting Promotional Email Swipes
If your customers don ’ t purchase your product in the first place , that doesn ’ t mean you ’ re out of luck . You can increase your dollars per customer substantially with this 5 professionally written email follow-up sequence . All you need to do is simply choose your email swipe , select a subject line , paste it all to your autoresponder and you ' re done .