Recastly review - What Is Recastly ?
It is undeniable that video is the best method to promote products. Video
provide people a trusted look at how the goods or service works. Therefore,
almost the customers will be impressive more than reading text only.
Not every video; however, could all present the message of the marketer in
an effective way. The reason for it is that a good video also needs to be
satisfied several qualities as well as posted in popular place which anyone
could easily see and watch.
Thus, as an affiliate, I’ve done a small research and find out that Facebook is
the best platform to place commercial videos. There is one special thing
offering me interesting information that 80% of Facebook videos are
watched without sound. The point is no matter how good your video look,
you will be missed a lot of potential customers if your videos do not contain
any subtitle. In other words, no subtitle means the audiences can’t
understand your message in case they want to see the video silently.
It will be a wise choice to find a software supporting you to make subtitle
instead of spending a lot of money and time to hire copywriters and
designers doing the same thing. And, Recastly is the best option should be
noted at the top of your list.
Introducing Recastly
Recastly is a software offers people the ability to generate subtitles in many
languages for any video automatically. It was created by Sam Bakker-an
experience marketer-to solve the queries easily. By using this product,
adding subtitle to any video becomes easier with an automatic voice
generator inside the system. Thus, people can type the text they want to
show up in the video. Moreover, Recastly product also helps them to upload
or add URL at the end of the video within timed subtitles so that users can
explore more conversions, traffics, and profits as well via the most common
social network – Facebook.