Marketing Profiles 2018 Chris Ollis | Marketing Presentation | Page 4

WHAT WE DO Our mission is to market your vessel through all marketing channels to reach a targeted audience of yachtsmen and industry professionals. YOUR YACHT WILL BE PART OF AN EXCLUSIVE SALES FLEET WITH ACCESS TO THE MOST AGGRESSIVE MARKETING PROGRAM AVAILABLE. STRATEGIES WILL INCLUDE: • • • • • • • • INTERNET MARKETING (SEO & PPC) SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PRINT ADVERTISING VIDEO PROFILES VIRTUAL TOUR PR & INDUSTRY MEDIA EMAIL MARKETING DIRECT MAIL C H RIS O LLI S w i ll ove rs e e t he sa le s process, an d wi ll b e i nt i m ate ly i nvol ved i n all as p e ct s of n e got iat ion, a nd u l ti m ate ly, t h e clo s i n g process.