Marketing My Traffic Coop Review-(GIANT) bonus & discount | Seite 9

...With many traffic services, you have no clue where your ad is being shown (or if it's actually being shown). But here you've just seen SEVEN locations where your ad will be on display both in public all across the web and in private in their member area. They have full stats reporting in your member area including views and clicks, so that you can track your results and decide if you want to continue with your MTC Traffic Shares. While there's no guarantee on the exact number clicks you can receive, there is also no limit on the clicks you can receive in any given 30 day ad period! You can also edit your ads on the fly for testing and tweaking purposes. One ad may bomb, while another ad may perform far beyond your expectations. They make it ultra easy to test and learn as you go. Traffic Source #2: MTC Member Co-Ops In addition to the unlimited traffic you're going to receive (as he just covered)... Your purchase of one or more MTC Traffic Shares also includes everything you need to easily launch and run a traffic co-op of your very own to promote whatever outside offer(s) you want, with other MTC members. ...Of course, this is only an option and obviously not something you're "required" to do as a member. You may be perfectly happy simply letting your MTC Traffic Shares (ads) run on autopilot 24-7. But the benefit of starting (or participating in) an MTC member co-op - which they call "Small Group Traffic Co-ops" - is that you can get together with other like-minded people where you all invest in getting traffic to any offer you all want to promote... And that way you can all work together and share results and get discounts on any and all traffic you arrange to buy to promote the featured offer... They have a virtual "meeting room" inside the member area where you can easily connect with other MTC members to launch (or simply participate in) Small Group Traffic Co-ops to promote offers that you all have a common interest in. For example, perhaps you want to launch a Small Group Co-op to promote Jeunesse Global. Or some other hot business opportunity. Or maybe a popular diet program. ...You name it! ...Even more exciting is the fact that they have exclusive, built in software that makes it extremely easy to launch your own Co-ops. Newbie friendly quick start tutorial and profile...